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How to Have a Good Day: Travel Day & Flight Delays

Ever feel like the Universe is testing you?

I’ve been reading You Are a Badass at Making Money and highlighting a bunch of quotes about gratitude and perspective.

Yesterday, I think the Universe was testing me to see if I was learning or just reading a book for fun.

Often our “good day” is dependent on things that are happening around us.  That’s normal.. what if we weren’t normal though?  What if we created a our “good day” by our own thoughts and actions?

It’s possible to create your own good day!!

It’s a practice – expect that!

Yesterday was “travel home day” from an amazing resort in Cancun, Mexico. Typically on the last day of a trip, I get super sad-y-pants about leaving the beautiful beach and water and going back to normal Memphis.

I realized yesterday that the outcome was going to be the same if I chose to be grateful for the moment or sad it was ending.

Either way – I’m getting on the plane to come home. {and there’s a lot to be happy about at home}

So which “road” would I rather take? Would I rather spend the day being sad or being happy?

This time with the help of my person, I chose grateful and happy.

It was a conscious choice that I had to keep reminding myself of through the day.

I created a simple mantra to use when I started to drift back to my old pattern.

“Enjoy this now. Enjoy this moment. You’re here now.”

Simply repeating those words in my head helped me to look around and notice the waves or notice the people in a different way.

I didn’t get stressed out when I was afraid we were going to miss our connecting flight home. I had faith that I was doing my part to expedite the situation. I created a helpful mantra, and I arrived home safely while having a good and peaceful day.

People around me chose to get super frantic, stressed and miserable – it’s normal – but you don’t have to choose that.

You can choose a more powerful and peaceful experience.

  • Focus on what you can control
  • Choose a powerful mantra
  • Practice it until it’s your new normal



I’d love to know how you refocus your energy to have a good day! Send me a note to share or ask for more tips.

This is Part 1 in a series called How to Have a Good Day! 

