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#100happydays Challenge

Could you stand to be just a little happier?

I would guess no matter who you are, you would take a little more happiness in your life.


I know I could!

I was so excited when I saw a friend post about the #100happydays challenge because it’s soooooo up my alley!

Here are the details:


Choose something that makes you happy – could be a person, place, or thing – can post a photo or text about it on your social media each day through the end of the year. Include the hashtag #100happydays


Where focus goes energy flows – Tony Robbins.

When you FOCUS on things that make you happy even more a moment, you’ll feel happier. When you’re focused on things that make you happy, you cannot be angry or fearful at the same time. The more we condition ourselves to see the GOOD or happy in things, the more delightful we’ll be as humans.


Social media – or if you’re more private – keep a special folder on your phone and add a photo to it daily.

What ifs.

What if you’ve already missed the start date (Sept 23 marked 100 days left in the year)?

So what. 98 happy days is better than the number you’d get if you’re not paying attention.

What if you are afraid to commit because you will probably miss some days?

Get over it. It’s okay to miss days and not be perfect. The point is to notice happy things on purpose. If you do half of the days, you’ll be better off than none of the days!

What else.

Of course I love a good social media challenge, so I’m gathering a subgroup of my community who’s doing this together.

I’ll email you bonuses and sparkles throughout the challenge. Trust me – you want in this club!! Complimentary sign up here.

