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Fit Fam Feature – Janet Mpoyi

Name : Janet Mpoyi

Age : 25

Currently living In : Murfreesboro, Tenn.

For work I : am in sales.

Smile2GetFit member since : September 2015

Motivation to start living healthier : Seeing other people’s success stories!

What’s been easy along the way? : Having a gym very close to my household, so no excuses!

What’s been the most difficult? : Getting distracted by social life and falling off for a few months.

What are you most proud of? : Being able to go to the gym after being emotionally drained . I am proud of the self-motivation I was able to give myself that I didn’t know I had in me.

How do you celebrate milestones? : Showing off my progress to anyone who cares!

Favorite way to get fit : I always feel like a boss after shoulder/back exercises on the machines because I go hard.

First word that comes to mind when I say Burpees : sweat!

Go to healthy meal : Salad!

Favorite food you didn’t like before : Salad!

Favorite “fun” food : I have become addicted to Clif bars of any flavor.

What makes you smile? : Anyone working to succeed in their life in any sort of way, and Chick-fil-A!

Being healthy is a journey – What’s next? : Hopefully I can motivate someone else at some point in the future. {you already are 🙂 }

Where can we bump into you? : Barnes & Noble, or fishing at your local lake!

What can we call you for help with? : Anyone looking to gain weight the healthy way. (Find me on FB)

Favorite Janet-ism: “Have fun with it!!!”

