Fit Fam Feature – David Phelps
Age : 64
Currently living In : West Memphis, Ark.
For work I : design and develop e-learning programs for corporate clients.
Smile2GetFit member since : 1984 Lol!
Motivation to start living healthier : I’ve always liked being active. When I found friends that liked to run, and live healthy, it was the right thing for me!
What’s been easy along the way? : Sticking to an active routine, running with friends, participating in events with other like minded people.
What’s been the most difficult? : Changing my eating habits. I have dropped a little weight, but I love BBQ, Cheeseburger, Pizza, etc.
What are you most proud of? : Completing 5 half marathons last year! Germantown, Race 13.1 Memphis, Magnolia Meltdown, Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks.
How do you celebrate milestones? : Pizza and beer, of course!
Favorite way to get fit : Running and cycling.
First word that comes to mind when I say Burpees : Lauren!!
Go to healthy meal : Grilled Salmon and sweet potatoes cooked at home on the Big Green Egg
Favorite “fun” food : Crawfish
What makes you smile? : Coach Lauren! And winning my age group at a 5K.
Being healthy is a journey – What’s next? : Good question. Keep doing what I’m doing and stay injury free.
Where can we bump into you? : Thursday evening at Breakaway Running and Memphis Pizza Cafe
What can we call you for help with? : Getting started in running. And, secrets about Lauren 🙂 {editor’s note – uh nooo lol} (email me)
Favorite David-ism : Have fun!