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The Week Before the Beach : Simple Meal Plan

Summer is here!! Yay!!

Many people are traveling to beaches or other relaxation spots this time of year, so I wanted to give you some tips for heading out to the beach with maximum confidence.

Losing a couple pounds or making sure you’ve packed the right things can help you to go on vacation and actually relax.

Today, I’ll share a simple meal plan that can help you to slim down a couple pounds in a week or less.

Do you diet before your beach vacations?

My secret is to diet the week before – then take amazing photos on the first day – then do whatever I want.

You know abs are a result of good nutrition, so if you’re planning to indulge on vacation, the abs might not come home with you.


Decide in advance what’s most important to you and do that.

For me, it’s fun to get the swim suit abs photo, but then it’s time to enjoy the freedom of relaxation.

Here’s a simple to follow plan that’s sure to help you lose a couple pounds and slim down your tummy. It’s called the Clean Eating Challenge!

Here’s what you CAN eat:

  • Fruits
  • Veggies
  • Protein

That’s all. No sugars, alcohol, healthy fats, bread, potatoes, almonds, dressings.  Okay – you can have spices and Shakeology.

Follow this plan for 4-7 days before your vacation.

It will be different, and it will work!

For sample meal plans and ingredients, grab your full free guide here.

Pro Tip: Make it fun by conquering this challenge with a friend!

I’d love to know your results from the Clean Eating Challenge. Send me a note with your experience!


Want a more customized plan to fit your longer term needs?  Schedule a time to chat with me about it!


This is Part 2 in a series called The Week Before the Beach! Here’s Part 1 if you missed it. 

