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Spartan Sprint at AT&T Stadium – My Experience

Spartan Race #2 is in the books! I traveled to Arlington, Texas to compete in a Spartan Stadium Sprint at AT&T Stadium last weekend. Wow – it was cool!

We didn’t train as much for this race as the first one because we felt confident in the skills we had already learned, and we kept training through the winter and spring.

Here’s what I liked!

1. The Venue

I’m not even a football fan, and I was super impressed.

We got to run everywhere in the stadium — the bleachers, the field, the loading areas, back hallways, ALL the STAIRS.

Stairs were the name of the game… no surprise there since 90% of the race was INSIDE the stadium – with air conditioning!!

Many obstacles were on the field!!

Yall… people were kissing the turf – hilarious!


My FitBit tracked 89 flights of stairs. Some were regular, some were with a sandbag.


Some were bear crawls.


Oh – and NO MUD!  yes!!!

2. The Obstacles

Hercules Hoist was lighter than last time, so I was able to complete the obstacle by myself!

To pass, you have to set the bag down quietly. If it slams to the ground, then you have to do 30 burpees!


Ball Slams are unique to the Stadium races. It’s worth noting that it was right next to the concession area with giant signs for food. LOL


Only a couple obstacles were outside. I forget the name of this one, but basically… pick up this heavy concrete block and carry it to the other side, do 5 burpees, carry it back. Not too bad if you keep moving!


Also unique to the Stadium race was this interesting jump rope. It was HEAVY. I had to do one at a time, plus you had to put a giant rubber band around your ankles. Scary and difficult, but doable.


3. The Accomplishment

The 8ft wall, monkey bars, and rope climb are standard obstacles at every Spartan Race. I am proud to say that I completed each one without help!

Last time, I had to have a boost over the wall and a shoulder on the monkey bars (which you can’t do anymore).



I’m pretty confident in my rope climbing skills now, but this one was tough! The rope was very thin!!

I made it to the cowbell though!!



People keep asking me — “Did you win?”

YES! Crossing the finish line is WINNING!

We finished in about 1:45 with plenty of leisurely water breaks included.

Now that you’ve seen the highlights of a Spartan Race, would you consider competing in one?

I can help you train!


Get started with your obstacle race training!



