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Mommy and Me Becomes Mother Daughter

I’ve noticed a lot of focus for fitness for new moms or “Mommy and Me” groups.  As a woman without children, I can only relate in the way that I think everyone could benefit from regular exercise and healthy habits.

While talking with a friend, I realized that we shared an interest in OUR MOMs joining us on our fitness journeys.

When you’re out of college and living on your own (or fast forward 10 more years), your relationship with your mom moves from parent child to close friends.  If you’re like me, then you start realizing that time really does fly. Life really is limited, and time really does run out for our loved ones.

Why not choose one of your favorite people to go with you on a journey for better health and a better life?

Can the daughter become the encourager in the relationship?


Do you want to be healthier and happier? Do you want your mom to be healthier and happier too?

Let’s go on this fitness journey together.

I’m starting a private online group for Mother Daughter pairs. If you want to join my mom and me, then please reach out to me.  We start February 1st.

Yes, there’s a workout and meal plan involved. Yes, you’ll have to make an investment in your health. Yes, it will be worth it.

Together we can hold each other accountable, have fun, live longer, and spend more time with our moms.


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