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Healthy Lunches Downtown

Do you struggle to find healthy options when you’re dining out for lunch?   It’s fun to leave the office and stroll to lunch Downtown, but you might not choose the best meals for your waistline. Sandwiches and burgers are abundant, but there are other options!

If you’ve met me, then you know my favorite place to eat Downtown is Lenny’s Sub Shop. I love the food and the people!

Here’s what I typically order at Lenny’s:

Grilled Philly Chicken Salad

  • no cheese
  • grilled onions, peppers, banana peppers
  • tomato
  • cucumber
  • yellow mustard for dressing

Choose any veggies you’d like and pick either one pack of dressing OR cheese.  Skip the crackers and croutons, and save the sunflower seeds for an afternoon snack.

Flying Fish is another good option.

Resist the urge to order anything fried and look to the grilled plates menu for a variety of fish options.

Here’s what I typically order at Flying Fish:

  • grilled tilapia
  • side salad with vinaigrette dressing on the side
  • grilled zucchini and squash

You could choose spinach or green beans too. If you  must order the rice and beans, then eat about half the portion.

Courthouse Deli is a lunch only establishment.

Only a few months ago, I discovered their blackened chicken salad.  Wow! It’s good.  There’s a good portion of chicken plus a hard boiled egg.  The downside is it’s premade so you can’t leave off the cheese.

Are you seeing a theme?

Anywhere you go, you can find a salad with protein.  If not, you can find a protein and veggies. Always look for food that’s close to its natural state. Avoid highly processed foods with several ingredients.  Most importantly, STOP eating when you start to feel full.

What’s your favorite downtown lunch?

If you need help along your journey to better health, then let me know. I’d love to help you.





