Fit Fam Feature – Char Claxton
Age : 52
Currently living In : Memphis, Tenn.
For work I : am very sedentary {but really, Char!?}
Smile2GetFit member since : May 2016
Motivation to start living healthier : Short term – to lose 10 lbs before our Aug 2016 25th anniversary trip to Italy; Long term – want to avoid developing Type 2 diabetes that runs in my family
What’s been easy along the way? : Working out with Lauren aka “Twig” aka “Torquemada” {aww! terms of endearment}
What’s been the most difficult? : Modifying my eating habits and sticking to it
What are you most proud of? : Losing the first 10 lbs and (for the most part) keeping it off
How do you celebrate milestones? : High 5 myself!
Favorite way to get fit : Oh dear, I don’t think I have just one favorite thing. I like my personal training sessions (when they’re over) but I also like the Y barre and spinning classes and walking/running in my neighborhood. I think variety is the best thing for me.
First word that comes to mind when I say Burpees : “[unprintable]” {LOL}
Go to healthy meal : Zoodles!
Favorite food you didn’t like before : Zoodles!
Favorite “fun” food : Sushi
What makes you smile? : My Family
Being healthy is a journey – What’s next? : Want to improve on last year – getting the good eating habits in place, working on my relationship with the burpee (grrrr…) and continuing to improve my strength and stamina
Where can we bump into you? : Home, work, or Hope Presbyterian Church
What can we call you for help with? : Well, I’m a good cheerleader so if anyone needs someone to get that extra boost or “You can do it!” you can reach me through our FB group
Favorite Char-ism : Let’s do this!!